The SpreadFighter platform operates on MetaMask. The article details how to connect the Polygon network to the MetaMask wallet..

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MetaMask is an app and browser extension that acts as a cryptocurrency wallet connected to the Ethereum network. This extension can be downloaded from the official MetaMask website.

To connect to other networks, such as Polygon, you need to add the main blockchain data to MetaMask, specifically, the custom RPC URL, network ID, and name. To add Polygon tokens, you need to import the token address.

Next, we will describe how to add the Polygon blockchain and other EVM networks, like Binance Smart Chain, to MetaMask.


To work with blockchain Polygon a compatible crypto wallet is required, for example MetaMask. Although by default there is no Polygon network in MetaMask, it's very easy to connect it in just a few minutes.

Installation and configuration of MetaMask

MetaMask can be installed in the Chrome browser, as well as downloaded on iOS and Android devices from the MetaMask website. Be careful and download the MetaMask extension only from the official website.

MetaMask Wallet

MetaMask Wallet

After downloading and installing the extension, you will be redirected to the welcome page of MetaMask, where you will need to press the [Get Started] button.

MetaMask welcome page

MetaMask welcome page

To create a new wallet, click [Create a Wallet]. You can also import an old wallet using a seed phrase by clicking on the [Import wallet] button.

Here you can import already existing MetaMask

Here you can import already existing MetaMask

MetaMask will ask you to anonymously share usage data to help improve the extension. Your consent or refusal will not affect the use of MetaMask.

You can help MetaMask to improve, but it’s not necessary.

You can help MetaMask to improve, but it’s not necessary.

Create a secure password to access your wallet through the browser. Note that the password and seed phrase are different things. The password restricts access to your wallet from third parties using your device. If you forget your password, you can restore access to your wallet using the seed phrase.

Create password in MetaMask

Create password in MetaMask