Assessment of the project development dynamics, activity of its founders, practical interest of the audience and utility

Indicator appearance

Indicator appearance


Active addresses is a sentiment analysis indicator that displays the number of active addresses of the network of the token under consideration.

Active addresses are blockchain addresses that have performed various activities over a certain period of time.

<aside> 💡 There are various counting methods, but the most popular is the one that takes into account the addresses of both the sender and the recipient of each transaction over a set period (e.g., days, weeks, or months). In addition, you can check the total number of unique addresses, which means tracking the total number of active addresses over time.


Transaction volume - a sentiment analysis indicator that displays the volume of transactions conducted on the token network.

Developers activity - a sentiment analysis indicator that displays the activity of the project's developers.

Github activity - a sentiment analysis indicator that displays the developers' activity on the project's Github page.


In the graphics settings window, the user can choose the display colors and transparency of the metric.

Indicators settings

Indicators settings

Access to indicators

Indicator Basic Trader Pro
Active addresses - + +
Transaction volume + + +
Developers activity - + +
Github activity + + +

Use Cases

The number of active addresses interacting with the token, and developer activity, are important metrics that quantitatively show:

The metrics under consideration indicate the utility of the project and the fundamental usefulness of its token.