Identification of the likelihood of a local altseason, as well as the price dynamics of the broad market at the moment

Внешний вид индикатора

Внешний вид индикатора


Indicators are an alternative form of visualization of the same-named models in the Dog widget.

The Alt meter displays how well the altcoin market is doing relative to BTC. Indicator values ​​exceeding 50% mean that the altcoin market is showing better dynamics than BTC. In this case, the indicator chart turns green. Conversely, if the Alt meter is below 50%, altcoins show worse performance relative to Bitcoin. Then the indicator chart turns red.

Tick ​​index RT index is calculated based on the prices of all instruments traded on Binance Futures and shows the price dynamics of the broad market: the number of coins that are rising is compared with the number of coins that are falling. The user receives a score as a number from -200 to + 200 in the case of Tick index and from -100% to +100% in the case of RT index.


In the graphics settings window, the user can select display colors and transparency of the indicator.

Indicator graphics settings

Indicator graphics settings

Access to indicators depending on the plan

The indicator is available on all subscription versions.