Average daily speed of order flow and passing volumes

Indicator appearance

Indicator appearance


The indicator calculates the average daily speed of order flow (volumes) according to the formula

$$ ADTS(ADTV)_{t} = \dfrac{\sum Speed(Volume)}{Period} $$

where $\sum{Speed}$ - the sum of the speeds of individual orders for the period under review, $\sum{Volume}$ - the sum of the trading volume for the period under review, $Period$ - the period under review.


The user has the ability to change the value of the Side - the side whose average order flow speed needs to be calculated. Options available are: "Total", "Buy", "Sell", “Delta”.

Also, there are units of measurement: either in the quoted asset or in dollars (for ADTV).

User settings

User settings

In the graphics settings window, the user can select the display colors and transparency of the metric.

Style settings

Style settings

Access to indicator

Basic Trader Pro
- + +

Use Cases

The Average day trade speed & volume indicator is a visualization of the Speedrush model for analyzing historical data.

<aside> 💡 The usage scenarios are described in the article about the widget.
