The model tracks assets approaching their marginal zones

Widget appearance

Widget appearance

Widget Location

To add the "Margin levels screener" tool to the workspace, first click on the "Widget menu" button in the platform header. Then click on the button with the same name in the "Microstructure" section.

Расположение виджета

Расположение виджета

Access to the model depending on the tariff

The model is available on the Pro tariff.

Basic Trader Pro
- - +

Tool Functionality

The Margin levels screener receives data from the Margin levels model and alerts the user about the approach of the price of a particular asset to the level of accumulation of deferred orders. The user receives information in the form of a table.

The model visualization has 2 color values:

  1. Approaches to the accumulation levels of buy orders are marked in green.
  2. Approaches to the accumulation levels of sell orders are marked in red.

A filter by instrument is used in the widget. The instrument filter value is not filled in by default. This means that signals about approaching/updating maximums and minimums for all perpetual USDT-Margin futures contracts will be received in Smart High&Low. The user can select either a single asset or several assets at once. In this case, only the marked contracts will be received in Smart High&Low.

Окно фильтра по инструменту

Окно фильтра по инструменту

The widget table has the following data columns:

  1. A column for adding/removing a tradable asset to/from the favorites list ⭐
  2. SYMBOL - the ticker name for which the signal came.
  3. %↓↑ - the distance in percentages to the margin zone.