Probabilistic forecasting of price behavior based on quantitative analytics and price action.

Widget appearance

Widget appearance

Widget Location

To add the "Pattern predict" tool to your workspace, first click on the "Widget menu" button at the top of the platform. Then click on the button with the same name in the "Technical" section.

Widget location

Widget location

Access to the model

The model is available on Trader and Pro plans.

Basic Trader Pro
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Pattern predict is a real-time scanner where user receives information in the form of a table.

Widget description

Widget description

  1. Pattern name.
  2. The number of patterns detected over 10,000 bars.
  3. A box plot that visualizes the distribution for the evaluation of the median, quantiles, variance, and skewness.
  4. Instrument filter.
  5. Pattern detection quantity filter.
  6. Maximum span percentage filter.
  7. Pattern filter.
  8. Time period for analysis.