A model that tracks the dynamics of tape speed and passing volumes

Widget appearance

Widget appearance

Widget Placement

In order to add the "Speedrush" tool to the workspace, first click on the "Widget menu" button in the platform header. Then click on the button with the same name in the "Microstructure" section.

Widget location

Widget location

Access to the model depending on the tariff

The model is available on the Trader and Pro tariffs.

Basic Trader Pro
- + +

Functionality of the tool

Speedrush is a signaling panel that displays in histogram form the assets with the fastest dynamics of trading volume changes and tape speed,

Assets are sorted in descending order from left to right - on the left are the assets with the "fastest" dynamics.

The widget has two scales. The tickers of tokens are indicated horizontally.

Horizontal axis with tickers

Horizontal axis with tickers

The values of the model indicators are displayed vertically in percentages.

Vertical axis

Vertical axis

The user has the ability to choose a parameter for sorting and displaying histograms: Average Daily Trading Volume (ADTV) or Average Daily Trading Speed (ADTS) of orders.

Filter parameter for sorting

Filter parameter for sorting

Also, the user can choose the number of assets to display: 10, 20, or 30.

Selection of the number of assets to display

Selection of the number of assets to display