The model is capturing executed stop-loss orders

Widget appearance

Widget appearance

Widget location

Access to the model:

Available on all plans

Basic Trader Pro
+ + +

Tool Functionality

Stop killer is a scanner that displays executed stop-loss orders of traders in real-time. The user receives the information in the form of a table.

The visualization model has 4 color values:

  1. Dark green shows potentially significant executed stop-loss orders for SHORT positions.
  2. Light green shows potentially critical executed stop-loss orders for SHORT positions.
  3. Dark red shows potentially significant executed stop-loss orders for LONG positions.
  4. Bright red shows potentially critical executed stop-loss orders for LONG positions.

The widget uses two filters:

  1. Filter by instrument;
  2. Filter by volume (in USDT).

Tool Functionality

Stop killer is a scanner that displays executed stop-loss orders of traders in real-time. The user receives the information in the form of a table.